Our Ganges Harbour terminal is located in the middle of Grace Point Square on Salt Spring Island, one of the picture-perfect Gulf Islands nestled in the Strait of Georgia. Salt Spring Island is the largest and most populated of the southern Gulf Islands, famed for its locavore-minded farmers, artisan producers, and organic vineyards. Tucked into the quaint harbour in the main village of Ganges, the terminal is immediately on your left-hand side just as you enter Grace Point Square.
The terminal entrance can be found on the ground level, between Black Sheep Books and Steffich Fine Arts. Guests boarding at Ganges are required to check-in at the terminal 40 minutes prior to departure. While flights depart/arrive via the Ganges Seaplane Dock, please note that check-in at the dock is not permitted.
Terminal Hours and Contact Information
Complimentary Amenities
Flight Schedules
Parcel Express
Getting Around
3102 – 115 Fulford Ganges Road
Salt Spring Island, BC
V8K 2T9